
Week 8 assignment: Cold

Because of the stress caused by the high frequency of the assignments, I will slow down a bit and propose to have an assignment each fortnight (hence the name of the blog, eventually). Also I am in holidays next week, to relax from all this stress of taking pictures on short deadlines. So I can take pictures while on holidays – cool!

But if I see a flow of pics coming more regularly I may switch back to weekly assignements. Or if people complain. Or if I feel like it.

That means, deadline for this assignment will be February, 26th.

This entry was written by fnpadmin and published on 15.02.2012 at 12:29. It’s filed under assignment. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

4 thoughts on “Week 8 assignment: Cold

  1. JLuc on said:

    Et bien alors? Je suis perdu maintenant.

    • fnpadmin on said:

      Aaaah ! Aaaaah ! C’était les vacances. Bon t’as gagné vu que t’étais seul. Donc, sujet toussa, et on s’y remet sérieusement.

  2. fnpadmin on said:

    Ah et puis ta photo elle était bien, hein

  3. PiRK on said:

    J’ai un peu honte de pas avoir participe a ce theme, vu que je suis dans le grand nord eskimoesque, tout ca. Mais a cause du gulf stream j’ai a peine vu 3 ou 4 flocons de neige.

    La photo est tres chouette.

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